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  • Winsor & Newton Aquapasto is a transparent gel medium that reduces flow and adds structure to water colours and gouache for an impasto effect.
  • Aqua Pasto helps in bridging the gap between watercolour painting and the kinds of impasto techniques in oils or acrylics and opens up the various possibilities with watercolour.
  • Aquapasto is mixed with water colours to thicken the wash.
  • Aquapasto is squeezed onto the palette and just enough added to the water colour wash until the wash thickens. Tube colours are easier to use for stronger washes or when large amounts are required.
  • Aquapasto washes will not flow into each other so they are excellent for clouds or multi-coloured areas. It slows the drying time and stays water soluble, so can be re-worked over time.
  • A translucent gel medium that reduces flow and thickens water colours & gouache to give an impasto effect.

Winsor & Newton Watercolour Aquapasto 60ml

SKU: AZ1215
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