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  • Pebeo Studio Acrylic are bright richly pigmented colour with satin matt finish at an affordable price.
  • These are vivid and deep and can be adapted for working with the materials on canvas, cardboard, wood, metal etc.
  • It has thick consistency and retains brush or spatula marks.
  • The range consist of 62 colours including 4 metallic colour, 7 Dyna and 3 Fluorescent.
  • Colours Included: Lemon Cadmuim Yellow Hue, Primary Yellow, Meduim Cadmium, Yellow Hue, Cadmium Orange Hue, Transparent Vermilion, Magenta, Oriental Violet, Dark Ultramarine Blue, Opaque Light Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Blue Hue, Primary Cyan, Veronese Green, Cadmium Green Hue, Phthalo green, Hooker's Green, Naples Yellow Hue, Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Payne's Grey, Mars Black and 2 x Titanium White

Pebeo Studio Acrylic set of 24 x 12ml

SKU: AZ0092
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