“The language of art has no boundaries.” —Zhu Liangchuan

When it comes to watercolor painting, these are the tricks that draw the ooh's and aah's every time. Watercolor as a medium seems like such a challenge because it seems unpredictable at first glance. It's so important to learn what to expect from the pigment when it meets water.
When learning watercolor basics, these will help form a better foundation in painting with more enjoyment. The frustration is lessened because you have a better idea of how the pigment is going to respond to what you do.
There are many helpful videos on YouTube that are great resources shared by other artists. Do a quick search on YouTube and you'll have a great time watching artists demonstrate these techniques.
When teaching these techniques in a workshop, I bring out these posters and copies of the instructions as handouts for students. I'm sharing those handouts with all of you, here and now! This post has been a long time in the planning stages and I'm so thrilled to have it finally ready to share with other watercolor enthusiasts.

Source: http://www.shemustmakeart.com/2017/03/24-must-try-watercolor-techniques.html