- Refer to Techniques: Acrylic Sheets, Brushwork, Collage, Murals and Surface Preparation
- Mix with Soft Body Concentrated Artist Color to extend volume and increase translucency, while maintaining viscosity.
- Mix with Heavy Body Artist Color or Basics Acrylic Color to extend volume and increase translucency, while decreasing paint viscosity.
- Use as a matte fixative over artwork (pastel, graphite, chalk) to decrease gloss or shine. Mix 1 part Matte Medium to 1 part distilled water and apply with atomizer or airbrush. Excess medium applied to the surface may cause fogging.
- Recommended fluid medium to use as a transparent ground (size), with excellent tooth and adhesion, instead of gesso. This will allow the colour and texture of the support to show through. Can be used as a substitute for the rabbit skin and hide glue size traditionally used for oil paintings.
- For best results use Liquitex Clear Gesso which has more tooth for paint and pastels.
- Exterior Murals: If the support or wall is somewhat smooth, a coat of Matte Medium should be brushed or two coats sprayed onto the surface prior to gesso-ing.
Liquitex Professional Matte Medium 946ml
SKU: AZ0466